Atm Machine Hacking Video Download

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If the idea of “hacking” a vending machine calls to mind the image of, say, Ryan Lochte or some other muscled oaf shaking a machine real hard, know that in this context hacking, aside from the.

Hacking an ATM with Raspberry Pi via blog.ptsecurity

First days of new year came with the warning about a new class of ATM fraud named “black box attack”. The crooks gain physical access to the top of the cash machine, connect their own computer to the the cash dispenser and force it to spit out cash, Krebs OnSecurity reports. In fact, this technics isn’t so new. The Positive Technologies experts Olga Kochetova and Alexey Osipov showed similar attacks on ATM at Black Hat Europe 2014 in Amsterdam.

For the experiment, the researchers used a cash machine and a popular controller Raspberry Pi. The small device can be easily hidden inside an ATM enclosure. Due to its size, it doesn’t draw attention of service engineers who, say, replace paper in built-in printers.

It is not much of a challenge to find ATM interface documentation. Regardless of the vendor, cash machines and payment terminals share the same API for accessing and manipulating various modules and use the Windows platform in accordance with the Extensions for Financial Services (XFS).

Knowing the API, one may easily gain access to an ATM host and directly manage multiple peripheral devices installed inside the money machine, e.g. a card reader, PIN pad, touchscreen display, dispenser unit, etc. Do not forget about ATM OS vulnerabilities — Windows has a lot of those in stock for many years to come.

Before Raspberry Pi can be installed inside an ATM and connected to Ethernet, USB, or RS-232 ports, an attacker needs to open up an ATM enclosure. At the machine’s upper part, there is a service area where the host that manages the ATM’s devices and network hardware, including poorly protected GSM/GPRS modems, are located. Unlike the safe located at the bottom, the upper part is quite easy to access — there is hardly any supervision over it if any. Attackers may open the service area using easy-to-make keys and simple materials at hands.

Yet it is not enough just to make it open — you need to be swift, and your manipulations must remain undetected.

At Black Hat, the Positive Technologies experts timed how long it took them to install the tiny computer inside the ATM service area for use as a sniffer to intercept PIN code and credit card info or as a skimmer that is virtually impossible to detect from the outside. The researchers were able to unlock the ATM enclosure, install, disguise, and bring their computer online in just two minutes.

When preparing for the presentation, the experts programmed Raspberry Pi to manage ATM peripheral modules. The computer connected to a Wi-Fi adapter, which you might access from any device like, say, your smartphone. A special web interface was designed to instruct the cash dispenser to empty the cassettes. The experts demonstrated how to make an ATM dispense several banknotes and, after some code adjustments, give out all the money. By the way, a typical ATM cassette holds two or three thousand banknotes, and there are usually four of those for different denominations inside a regular ATM.

It is needless to say that, as a result of the researchers’ proof-of-concept attack, the ATM dispensed all cash leaving no trace on the host; and though the camera was on, it was controlled by Raspberry Pi as well as any other devices on the hacked ATM.

How to Secure ATMs

It is not an easy feat to provide sufficient security protection for ATMs. A lot depends on an attack scenario. For example the UK’s LINK specialists advise replacing default locks for the service area and monitoring ATMs with cameras.

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Meantime, the Positive Technologies experts are convinced that the main security problem lies in the possibility of installing any device or program (including Angry Birds) on ATMs exploiting OS and devices vulnerabilities. The tables may be turned if ATM vendors collaborate on a new, open specification for the components inside a cash machine to interact and authenticate securely. This would help to prevent anyone with a service area key from easily connecting whatever he or she wishes to the system.

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Get ready for a facepalm: 90% of credit card readers currently use the same password.

The passcode, set by default on credit card machines since 1990, is easily found with a quick Google searach and has been exposed for so long there's no sense in trying to hide it. It's either 166816 or Z66816, depending on the machine.

With that, an attacker can gain complete control of a store's credit card readers, potentially allowing them to hack into the machines and steal customers' payment data (think the Target(TGT) and Home Depot(HD)hacks all over again). No wonder big retailers keep losing your credit card data to hackers. Security is a joke.

This latest discovery comes from researchers at Trustwave, a cybersecurity firm.

Administrative access can be used to infect machines with malware that steals credit card data, explained Trustwave executive Charles Henderson. He detailed his findings at last week's RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco at a presentation called 'That Point of Sale is a PoS.'

The problem stems from a game of hot potato. Device makers sell machines to special distributors. These vendors sell them to retailers. But no one thinks it's their job to update the master code, Henderson told CNNMoney.

'No one is changing the password when they set this up for the first time; everybody thinks the security of their point-of-sale is someone else's responsibility,' Henderson said. 'We're making it pretty easy for criminals.'

Trustwave examined the credit card terminals at more than 120 retailers nationwide. That includes major clothing and electronics stores, as well as local retail chains. No specific retailers were named.

Atm machine hacking video downloader

The vast majority of machines were made by Verifone(PAY). But the same issue is present for all major terminal makers, Trustwave said.

A spokesman for Verifone said that a password alone isn't enough to infect machines with malware. The company said, until now, it 'has not witnessed any attacks on the security of its terminals based on default passwords.'

Just in case, though, Verifone said retailers are 'strongly advised to change the default password.' And nowadays, new Verifone devices come with a password that expires.

In any case, the fault lies with retailers and their special vendors. It's like home Wi-Fi. If you buy a home Wi-Fi router, it's up to you to change the default passcode. Retailers should be securing their own machines. And machine resellers should be helping them do it.

Atm Machine Hacking Video Download Online

Trustwave, which helps protect retailers from hackers, said that keeping credit card machines safe is low on a store's list of priorities.

'Companies spend more money choosing the color of the point-of-sale than securing it,' Henderson said.


Atm Machine Hacking Video Download Free

This problem reinforces the conclusion made in a recent Verizon cybersecurity report: that retailers get hacked because they're lazy.

The default password thing is a serious issue. Retail computer networks get exposed to computer viruses all the time. Consider one case Henderson investigated recently. A nasty keystroke-logging spy software ended up on the computer a store uses to process credit card transactions. It turns out employees had rigged it to play a pirated version of Guitar Hero, and accidentally downloaded the malware.

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'It shows you the level of access that a lot of people have to the point-of-sale environment,' he said. 'Frankly, it's not as locked down as it should be.'

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CNNMoney (San Francisco) First published April 29, 2015: 9:07 AM ET