Shadow Fight 2 Hack Download Windows Phone

Fighting games have been very popular for a long time now. It all started during the times of Nintendo gaming when the fighting game Street Fighter 2 got really popular. Everyone loved playing that game and it was a tremendous hit in no time. The same was the case with Shadow Fight. As gaming changed its way from Nintendo to Android, Shadow fight was the perfect replacement for Street Fighter. It was in fact even much better than Street fighter, in terms of gameplay and graphics too.


Shadow Fight 2 Hack Download Windows Phone Number

So it was sure that it would achieve success and it eventually did achieve all the fame. With all the positives, there were also some negatives of the game. Initially, the makers tried to get rid of these negatives by updating the game versions but there was a time when it was no more possible. This became the building stone for Shadow Fight 2.

Shadow fight 2 hack download windows phone game

Shadow Fight 2 Hack Download. Shadow Fight 2 Hack Download sources vary from site to site. So, always make sure that you are using a reputable site that has a good track record of providing coins and gems. Make sure that the site displays very well on your device, so that you will know that it is supported. An arcade-style video game, Shadow Fight 2 puts you in head-to-head combat with your opponents. The biggest problem with this game is how it feels more like a more boring, money-grabbing version of Street Fighter because, while free, it includes excessive in-app purchases that everyone has grown to expect from the modern free-to-play games of today.

Whatever was not achieved with the first version of the game was planned to achieve with this one. The makers started collecting feedback and took every detail in the notice and then created the perfect new version known as Shadow Fight 2. In this post also we will be discussing this new game and its modded version known as Shadow Fight 2 Mod APK too.


What is Shadow Fight 2 about?

Before moving ahead with the details of the modded version of Shadow Fight 2, let us discuss the original game first. The game is about a story of a fighter who is back to his village after a long period of time. He soon learns that his village is captured by some goons and he immediately decides to take them down once and for all. But before he can defeat the main villain in the boss fight of the game, he has to fight some of his hired fighters.

In this process, he starts with fighting the person at the lowest level and if he defeats that person he can challenge the next person in the hierarchy. While playing the first mission of the game, you will notice that you have basic weapons and moves to fight the opponent and even that will be enough to defeat the opponent. But as soon as you proceed with the game, your opponents will get tougher and you will have to upgrade.

There is no way by which you can defeat your future opponents with the skills you initially have. So, you have to upgrade your weapons, unlock moves and practice more. In order to that, you are granted some coins after every opponent you defeat. The number of coins will be based on your performance in the game. The more the time you take to complete the level, the lesser the coins and the more the health you lose, the lesser the coins. All these things matter when it comes to awards and bonuses.

You will even get an additional bonus if you win all the three rounds. Initially, the coins won like these from level to level are good enough for upgrades. But as you climb the ladder, the difficulty gets really high. You will have to earn way more coins than what are the regular winnings otherwise you will be stuck in that level for a long time.

So, to overcome such a situation, the maker created additional mini-levels that helps us to earn more coins. But we can only play some of these additional levels in a limited period of time and after that, we have to wait for some hours. This is where the mod kicks in.

How to download Shadow Fight 2 Mod Apk

In order to download Shadow Fight 2 Mod Apk, just follow the steps mentioned below.

  1. In the first step, open the setting in your Android phone and locate the Security options.
  2. Once you have opened up the Security options, reach out the Apps button and tap on it.
  3. In this section, you will see an option named “Allow installation from unknown sources”.
  4. If it hasn’t been already checked, check it.
  5. Now download the Shadow Fight 2 Mod Apk from the button provided.
  6. Go to the downloads and locate the file there.
  7. Run it and let the installation complete.
  8. Tap Done when it is completed.

Now you can easily run and play the game and it will already have unlimited coins for you to use however you like.

Why do you need Shadow Fight 2 Mod Apk

Shadow fight 2 hack download windows phone free

As mentioned earlier, the game might become boring at some point in time because of being stuck at the same level for a long time. Also, there is nothing else you can do when you are out of energy. It is not like the other games that you can keep on playing continuously for as much as you like. The best you can do is watch some ads or buy coins and use them to refill your energy. But that can be irritating too and you will definitely get annoyed by it.

On the other hand, If you install the modded version of the game, you do not have to worry about all these things because you will have unlimited coins. You can use these coins to upgrade your weapons, unlock new moves and skills so you can save a lot of your time. In this way, your game never gets boring and you can reach the end of the storyline without being stuck on the way there.

In case you don’t know how to download this mod let me help you with that too.


So, this was all about Shadow Fight 2 Mod Apk. You can read this post and decide whether you want to try the original version of the game first or start with the modded game which has unlimited coins. The download and installation guide is also included but if you face any troubles comment below and we will help you out.

Shadow Fight 2 mod APK is the best title for those of us that love martial arts and enjoy fluid, fun gameplay mechanics. What really makes the game unique is the fact that this is a great way to improve your martial arts experience while also showcasing some amazing fighting mechanics.

The game is very intense and it does an amazing job at making the process convenient and distinctive at the same time, which is truly interesting!

Gameplay Screen

Features and gameplay

As you play Shadow Fight 2 you will notice that this is a combination of RPG and fighting in a very complex but also super appealing package. The game has everything you want, from amazing fights to a complex system where you can improve your experience and just move on all the time.

You can acquire a lot of different lethal weapons and all of them are quite interesting and enjoyable at the same time. They did a really good job at making the experience unique and the fact that you have so many nice options is what pushes the boundaries all the time.

Enemies are very diverse if you play the game. And the reason for that is every time you have to think outside the box. It’s the only way to figure out the right methods to kill enemies fast and precisely in a game like this. It does work really well, as long as you know what to do and how to manage everything.

Controls are very intuitive, everything works smoothly and the game is designed from the ground up with the idea of pushing the boundaries and just taking things to the next level in a meaningful and exciting manner. You have 6 worlds in total and they are all a part of the storyline in interesting ways.

It’s nice that you can actively customize your fighter and you can add in magical powers, armour suits and weapons as you see fit. There’s no real limit here since you can add in everything you want and make it your own basically.

Shadow Fight 2 Hack Download Windows Phone Free

What is the Shadow Fight 2 mod APK?

The Mod APK offers you a unique way to play the game. The regular version of the game has lots of microtransactions especially when it comes to customizing the character. This version has none of that, since you have unlimited access to everything and you can also get unlimited coins and gems. You don’t have to grind gems and other stuff anymore, you have all of that ready to go. And there’s no energy limitation either.

Details of Mod APK

Name of the applicationShadow Fight 2 Mod APK
Developer NameNEKKI
Android Version4.1+
APK Version2.2.2
Size of the app141 MB


Shadow Fight 2 Hack Download Windows Phone Game

With the Shadow Fight 2 mod APK, you finally get to play the game the way you want. It’s a very nice and fun experience, one that you will actively enjoy every time. And the best part is that you get to play as you see fit, without having to worry about problems or anything else. The Shadow Fight 2 is a stellar martial arts game so if you have even the slightest interest in it you should totally give it a shot!

3.4/5(7 votes )

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